Simple ways parents can encourage kindness in their little ones


1. Model acts of kindness!

Be kind in the way you want your child to be. If they observe you saying please and thank you, they will emulate your behaviour. Thank the cashier at the supermarket, or tell him to have a nice day, thank a waiter for serving you, or wish your neighbour good morning! Children will respond similarly when they have the opportunity to show kindness.


2. Talk about differences

Help and encourage your child to understand and respect differences among people. Being kind to those who are differently abled or those who may look different is important because even though they may be different from us, we all have the same needs- to be loved, respected, and treated with kindness.


3. Understanding that kindness isn't easy

While kindness is an important virtue, we should remind ourselves and our kids that kindness can be difficult at times, and that's okay! Just because we may not want to be kind in some situations doesn't limit us in any way or mean we are unkind. It can be challenging to be generous with a sibling who's annoying you. It can be scary to stick up for a friend or a classmate who isn't being treated right. It can be confusing to know how to act with a person who's differently abled. But trying is what matters most, and the more we practice kindness, the easier it will be! 


4. Volunteer

Sign up to help others! Encourage children to volunteer to support social causes in any way they can - not only will it help them have more gratitude about the world they live in but also about themselves.


5. Share tales of kindness

Children's books can be an excellent source to help kids break down and understand abstract concepts like kindness. Here are a few of our favorites that are perfect for teaching kindness to your little ones: